Up to CMP

SPOILER ALERT! This section includes pages that I have finished out of order. They will eventually be included in Chapters 6 and 7, though I reserve the right to move/change/delete them at any time. If you are reading the story linearly then you probably don't want to look at this page.

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Chapter 6

Poison Fruit - WIP. Camillo goes to visit his uncle Cardinal Montalto. 
    They see Cardinal Aragon with Julia. Poison Fruit - WIP. Camillo reveals his fear that Paolo is stealing
        Vittoria from him. Poison Fruit - WIP. Montalto refuses to lend Camillo any more money. 
        He advises Camillo to be patient and wait for Vittoria to come back to him. The scene that goes here isn't ready yet...
    	but I should have it done soon. Poison Fruit - WIP. Paolo summons his principle hencemen, plus Marcello and Camillo,
        	to discuss the problem posed by Lodovico's pirate depredations. Poison Fruit - WIP. Paolo announces an expedition to fight Lodovico's pirates.
        		Marcello and Camillo are surprised when he singles them out. Poison Fruit - WIP. Paolo puts Camillo and Marcello in command of the anti-pirate
        	fleet despite Camillo's reservations. Poison Fruit - WIP. Marcello and Zanche prepare his equipment for the anti-piracy expedition. Poison Fruit - WIP. Marcello reveals his fears about the coming anti-piracy expedition. Poison Fruit - WIP. Marcello asks Zanche to watch over Vittoria while he is away fighting
             the pirates. The scene that goes here isn't ready yet...
    	but I should have it done soon.

Chapter 7

Poison Fruit - WIP. Cardinal Montalto, Pietro, and Fra Andrea go to visit
    Paolo and are kept waiting in an anteroom for an hour. Poison Fruit - WIP. Paolo appears just as Pietro gets mad and wants to go look for him. Poison Fruit - WIP. Paolo refuffs Montalto's and Pietro's criticism of his ill treatment
    of Isabella. Poison Fruit - WIP. As Montalto and Pietro walk back from the Orsini Palace they
    talk about their fears that Paolo will bring harm to Camillo and/or Isabella. The scene that goes here isn't ready yet...
    	but I should have it done soon.